Dreams In Drive

157: You Deserve the $$$ - How To Monetize Your Business (THROWBACK) w/ Sakita Holley



On this THROWBACK episode - we take it back to EP 6 and our chat with Sakita Holley - the founder and CEO of NY-based beauty and lifestyle PR firm House of Success PR. She is also the editor of HashtagsandStilettos.com,a business lifestyle blog and hosts a podcast of the same name that you can find on Apple Podcasts and Soundcloud. Sakita shares tips and advice from her own experience growing House of Success PR. You'll learn more about what you have to do to find clients, close deals, and start monetizing your service-based or lifestyle business. IN THIS PODCAST YOU'LL LEARN: 1. How to figure out when you need to leave your job and pursue something new 2. How she overcame having BUSINESS CAPITAL & CREDIBILITY and launched her own PR firm 3. The biggest mistakes Sakita made when she first offered services to clients 4. Why CLIENT EDUCATION is super important 5. The questions you need to ask to figure out your target market 6. When it's okay to do work for FREE 7. Why walking away from a deal can be good m