Dreams In Drive

160: Knowing Where You're From - The African Ancestry Story w/ Gina Paige



Have you ever been curious about your family history? Where are you from? What's the story of your people? How does this all affect who you are today?  In 2003, Dr. Gina Paige co-founded African Ancestry, Inc. and in doing so, pioneered a new way of tracing African lineages using genetics, and a new marketplace for people of African descent looking to more accurately and reliably trace their roots. Gina talks about the origins of the company and why this work is so important. We dive into the challenges her and co-founder Dr. Rick Kittles faced when first launching (they self-funded with only $1200!), dealing with criticism, and lessons she has for other entrepreneurs seeking success.  Now, Gina travels the world helping people demystify where they’re from and informing on identities so that they may better understand who they are. Dr. Paige holds a degree in Economics from Stanford University and an MBA from the University Of Michigan Ross School Of Business. YOU WILL LEARN:- What inspired Gina as a child -