Dreams In Drive

169: How 3 Sisters Built A Clothing Empire - The Dashiki Pride Story w/ Lilian, Mirian, & Marysonia Ugokwe



Dashiki Pride founders and sisters Mirian, Lilian, & Marysonia Ugokwe talk how they launched the brand, used social media to grow and are on a mission to share Nigerian culture with the world. The sisters get personal about the early days, what's it like building an empire as siblings, what keeps them going, and more. One of the major takeaways from this episode include why having an idea is cool, but executing on that idea is what's really crucial.  Join in on the conversation on social (@dreamsindrive) and make sure to use the hashtag #dreamsindrive. Enjoy! **ENTER TO WIN A DASHIKI FROM DASHIKI PRIDE***: http://www.dreamsindrive.com/win SHOW NOTES: http://www.dreamsindrive.com/dashiki-pride EPISODE PARTNER: Interested in a curated group trip to Lagos, Nigeria? DiscoverGidi gives individuals wanting to visit the motherland an experience that is safe, educational, extremely enjoyable and most of all life changing. Visit http://www.discovergidi.com or @DiscoverGidi for more info. Get 10% off registration b