Dreams In Drive

178: Life After Quitting - Battling "Laziness", Productivity Blues, Getting Out of My Own Head + More Updates



Back in episode 172, I told you all about how I quit my job. Two months have passed - what's happened? In this episode, I sit down with one of my college besties and we talk about life after quitting. I answer three questions about how my life has changed since August 2018. 1. Am I scared? 2. What's been the best thing about quitting? 3. What is one short-term goal I hope to achieve? If there's one thing that I've learned since quitting my job in August 2018 - it's this: there's going to be a lot of ups and down. This episode is for anyone who feels like they aren't doing "enough", for those thinking about quitting - who don't know what they should expect, for those who have left their full-time and are regretting the decision. I've been there. You'll also learn more about why you need to get out of your head, embrace passive productivity, stop over analyzing, and rethink your approach and executing of goal setting. It's okay to take it slow. Slow progress is still progress. Do you have your own #lifeafterqui