Dreams In Drive

181: You Deserve The Life You Dream Of - The Path To Financial Independence w/ Jamila Souffrant



Go after your goals no matter how much they scare you. We chat with JamilaSouffrant - a podcaster, blogger, money coach and founder of JourneyToLaunch.comwhere she shares her journey to reach Financial Independence and helps others do the same. As a money expert who “walks her talk” she helps brave Journeyers; gain clarity around their finances and create an actionable plan to reach their goals. Because of her money habits, Jamilaand her husband saved $169,000 in two years and are debt free besides their mortgage. She is also a mom of three young children and currently lives in New York City. Jamila shares the details of how she was able to put her financial independence goals in motion. As a kid she didn't have a specific career in mind but she knew she "wanted to make a lot of money and didn’t want to work for anyone." However, after building a six-figure career in real estate investing and while pregnant with her first son, she had an epiphany during a long 4 hour commute home. This wasn't the life she wan