Dreams In Drive

263: How To Use The Power Of Your Voice To Make Your Story Shine w/ Denise Woods



Do you know just how powerful your voice is along your #dreamdriving journey? Listen in as author, producer, and celebrity vocal coach Denise Woods shares how she was able to use her gifts as a  storyteller to build a life (and voice) doing what she loves.  Some of the things we discuss on this episode include:  Denise's early inspirations in the arts How she became a vocal coach to the stars Overcoming adversities and struggles throughout her journey Why storytelling is so important  Tips for enhancing your natural voice...and more DENISE'S KEYS TO SUCCESS:1. Belief System 2. Community 3. Ability to trust SHOP THE DREAMS IN DRIVE STORE: http://www.dreamsindrive.com/shop SUPPORT DREAMS IN DRIVE:http://www.dreamsindrive.com/donate BROWSE THE BOOKSTORE:http://www.dreamsindrive.com/bookstore SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER - THE KEYS: http://www.dreamsindrive.com/join FIND DENISE ON: Web: http://www.speakitclearly.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/speakitclearly FIND RANA ON SOCIAL: Instagram: http://