Dreams In Drive

295: The Search For An Answer - Hitting Rockbottom, Finding Confidence & Renewed Purpose Again w/ Twyla Adkins



Twyla Adkins followed the typical immigrant route of trying to pick a safe and financially secure path in life. But, one day she looked up and realized she unhappy and extremely stressed out. Life was coming at her - from major health changes, pregnancy, and COVID. Then, one day after hearing a particular episode of Dreams In drive she decided to stopped living in Park and moved to Drive. But like most of us, it didn't go exactly as she hoped. Twyla opens up about how her entrepreneurial journey started with reverting to what she was comfortable with - playing it small, safe, and accepting less than I deserved. - kept her stalled. Then, the death of her sister rocked her world - reminding her again that life was too short to be unhappy. Twyla's journey, like so many others, is a series of adapting, learning when to rest, when to invest in yourself and when to quit. Twyla opens up about how challenging her #dreamdriving journey has been and shares how she was able to push through pain, gain confidence again an