Dreams In Drive

319: How To Use Problem Solving, Persistence & Partnerships To Grow Your Brand w/ Lindsay Pinchuk



It might look like it, but there's no such thing as an "overnight success." Instead, it takes YEARS of hard work, sacrfrice and committment to the dream to reap rewards.  Bump Club & Beyond founder Lindsay Pinchuk reflects on her journey building a million dollar brand from the ground up - and all that she learned along the way. Here's a little more about Lindsay: With $500 in her pocket and a baby in her belly, she left a high-powered job as a magazine publishing executive and founded her first company, Bump Club and Beyond --- a community of resources, support, and educational tools for millions of parents and parents-to-be across the country. In year one, she turned a profit, growing her company to 7-figures in revenue each year and her community to over 3MM users. Less than a decade later, she led her company through an acquisition by a large agency holding company. Some of the things we discuss in this episode include: Networking and personal relationships Sales as the foundation for her entrepeneur