Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

An Insider’s Guide to Portland Tech Careers, with Tim Butler



Building a tech career in Portland can be daunting, especially for newcomers. The good news is that Portland is an open and welcoming community, even if you are new to the tech field and lack experience. The key to breaking into Portland’s tech industry is networking and meeting the people who do the hiring here, says Find Your Dream Job guest Tim Butler. Tim says that if you put in the time and do the work, you’ll find others who can help you grow your career in authentic and meaningful ways. About Our Guest: Tim Butler ( is a technical sourcer at the Portland, Oregon office of New Relic (, a software analytics company. Tim has been in the recruiting industry for eight years after spending 20 years in insurance. His passion is helping professionals find new career opportunities that align with their career interests and goals. His current focus is on finding talented software engineering professionals. Resources in This Episode: If you’re intere