Yoga | Birth | Babies

Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders with Paige Bellenbaum of the Motherhood Center



In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak with licensed social worker and Program Director of the Motherhood Center of New York, Paige Bellenbaum. This deeply honest and moving discussion needs to be heard and discussed with all expectant women, partners and support people. It is reported that 1 in 5 women experience perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. It’s important to note that this statistic is only based on reported cases and that many more women will suffer in silence. Many professionals feel a more accurate statistic is 1 in 3 people. Paige bravely discusses her own debilitating experience with postpartum depression and anxiety and her commitment to supporting those experiencing perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. In this episode:  What brought Paige to this work and her own experience with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. How common perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) are for women Seeing and understanding the symptoms of PMADs Do PMADs go away on their own? What OBGYNs,