Yoga | Birth | Babies

Common Sense Pregnancy with Jeanne Faulkner RN



In today’s episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies I have the pleasure of speaking with Jeanne Faulkner R.N. Jeanne initially wrote for FitPregnancy, penning the column “Ask a Labor Nurse.” She has since written 2 books, Common Sense Pregnancy and The Complete Illustrated Birthing Companion. She hosts 3 podcasts Common Sense Pregnancy (she had me as a guest too, check out ep #106), CARE Action!, and Activists on the Line! Today we talk about her experiences in the labor and delivery room and how that led to her foreign assistance lobbying. We also cover how care during pregnancy is affected when we come from a place of fear instead of wellness. In this episode: How Jeanne went from L&D nursing to foreign assistance lobbying and podcasting. What Jeanne thinks of the current state of maternal healthcare in the US. What role does feminism play in changing maternal healthcare in the US? What’s the difference between a fear-based pregnancy and a well-based pregnancy? About Jeanne:  Jeanne Faulkner is a writer, podcast