Yoga | Birth | Babies

What Do You Really Need For Baby? with Adriane Stare



Baby stuff everywhere! Why does it feel like having a baby comes with so much equipment and accessories? Have you ever stopped to think about what is truly necessary and what is just really good marketing? In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with Adriane Stare, owner and founder of the Brooklyn eco-friendly maternity, baby and lifestyle store, Wild Was Mama. Adriane and I break down what are true “must haves” from day one and how to build a registry that is not overwhelming and or superfluous. In this episode : Adriane’s background and her journey from opening Caribou Baby to rebranding Wild Was Mama Creating a functional registry of the “must have” items Systematically purchasing necessary items How to handle of the “stuff overload” in a NYC apartment The items new parents are always running into the store days or weeks after giving birth to get. Gems of advice for new parents What’s next for Adriane and Wild Was Mama About Adriane: Adriane Stare is a mother to two young boys, and the Owner and Fou