Yoga | Birth | Babies

Labor Induction with Dr. Rachel Reed



According to the Listening to Mothers iii Survey, 41% of the people indicated that their care provider tried to induce their labor, with three out of four of those women (74%) indicating that it did start labor, resulting in an overall rate of medically induced labor of 30%. In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak with midwife, writer and presenter, Dr Rachel Reed. She speaks very candidly about medical induction and augmentation of labor. Dr Reed explains why and how a medical induction is performed and the precautions of pitocin. For any pregnant mother, birth worker or support person, this episode will give you a lot to ponder. In this episode: What brought Rachel to practicing midwifery. The process and hormones of a spontaneous physiological birth and how that differs from a medical induction The definition of medically necessary induction Medically justified reasons for an induction “Suspected big baby” and going post date- How a mother advocate for herself care if she is feeling pressure