Yoga | Birth | Babies

Why it's Important to Normalizing Formula Feeding with Jayne Freeman



Have you considered the different choices there are when feeding your baby?  Offering choices and education is something we value here at PYC.  Our job is to support your choices for birth, however you choose to birth.  When it comes to feeding baby, nevertheless, not all parents feel this support.  Many parents sense judgement from others when they opt for formula feeding or bottle feeding.  In this conversation, Jayne Freeman talks about the need to normalize formula feeding. She shares how the current breastfeeding narrative may contribute to anxiety, lack of confidence and postpartum depression.  Jayne gives some practical information on how to choose formula if that’s the path you opt to take.   On this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, we welcome Jayne Freeman to have this discussion.  Jayne Freeman is a CEA/MNY certified childbirth educator, breastfeeding counselor and postpartum doula specializing in mood disorder prevention. After the birth of her two daughters, Jayne started a public access show about b