Dark Indulgence Industrial | Ebm & Synthpop Mixshow

Best of Electronic Saviors Volumes 1-5 Industrial Mixshow - Mix by Dj Scott Durand & Dj Wicked Goth



The official Best of Electronic Saviors Volumes 1 through 5 Mixshow by Dj Scott Durand and Dj Wicked Goth | This mix is paying homage to the incredible lineage and music lineup of Electronic Saviors and the noble efforts of fighting against cancer. Please enjoy this all star lineup of amazing tracks from volumes 1-5. Please remember to REPOST and FAVORITE this show to help support the new Electronic Saviors Volume 6. Streaming is also available 24/7 on my homepage at www.djscottdurand.com Find out more info about the Electronic Saviors – Industrial Music to Cure Cancer project at: http://www.electronicsaviors.com Pre-order of Volume 6 starts 02.15.2020 at 4pm, purchase yours here: https://www.distortionprod.com/electronic-saviors or at: https://www.metropolis-records.com