Dark Indulgence Industrial | Ebm & Synthpop Mixshow

Dark Indulgence 08.02.20 Industrial | EBM | Synthpop Mixshow by Scott Durand : djscottdurand.com



**Dark Indulgence 08.02.20 Industrial | EBM | Synthpop Mixshow by Scott Durand : This week featuring advance preview tracks from Biomechanimal | Stahlschlag | VV303 ft Noizy Sid | Nein Niemals plus brand new tracks from Schattenmann | SIN DNA | BloodConnek7ion | Menschdefekt | Pandoria | In Absentia | FHTH | ElektroTerapi | Méchant Métrique | ESA ft Caitlin Corlyx | Tom Tritoxin and more. ** https://www.djscottdurand.com/industrialmusicnews/2020/8/2/dark-indulgence-080220-industrial-ebm-synthpop-mixshow-by-scott-durand Biomechanimal - Enter the Animal Stahlschlag - In Tension Tom Tritoxin - Breaking Apart (W ID) VV303 ft Noizy Sid - The End (Industrial version) Heimstatt Yipotash - Progress Menschdefekt - Empty World [:SITD:] Remix) Shhadows - Don_t Need Knives (to cut you up) Dismantled - No Escape ESA ft Caitlin Corlyx - Eat their young (Moaan Exis Remix) WID Blitzkrieg Baby - Cannibal Commando (Ancient Methods remix) PUBLICS. - 魔法 (Viper Unit Remix) BloodConnek7ion - Destellos De Perfección (Single Versi