Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

People Pleasing Leaders | E159



In today's episode, we dive deep into the realm of people-pleasing, a topic that many of us can relate to. Host, Kris Plachy, self-proclaimed people-pleaser, shares personal insights and experiences, detailing the good, the bad, and the complexities that come with constant people-pleasing. As leaders, we may often find ourselves bending over backwards to accommodate everyone's needs and avoid conflict. Kris asserts that while this can be a nurturing trait, it often also means ignoring the core needs of our business and, more importantly, ourselves. She warns of the perils of slipping into the people-pleasing vortex and the challenges that come with emerging from it. But it isn't all doom and gloom. Kris also discusses the hidden strength in being a people-pleaser. The ability to empathize deeply, foresee potential conflicts, and manage tricky situations are all part of this power. But, as we know, even superpowers require balance and our host dives into ways we can harness our people-pleasing tactfully withou