
Mikko Barranda .- The Hustle Behind Acceler8 Coworking



How did Acceler8 become an award-winning coworking space? In this episode, Ronster chats with Mikko Barranda, co-founder of Acceler8 coworking. Mikko will share his first venture into entrepreneurship straight out of college and how he was able to get key learnings when it failed. Mikko also shares how he got into real estate and the several hustles he went it to that allowed him to create Acceler8 with key partners he met in his day job and previous employments. Mikko will also share how Acceler8 is able to compete in a very competitive coworking market and shares great advice for people with multiple hustles at the same time in this amazing episode brought to you by Payoneer.For show notes, go to hustleshare.comHustleshare is a proud affiliate of the Podcast Network AsiaCheckout Founders Only on these Plaforms:Youtube: Podcast: