
Steve Sy - The Hustle Behind Great Deals



How big is E-Commerce in the Philippines? In this episode, Ronster chats with Steve Sy, Founder and CEO of Great Deals. Steve will share his humble beginnings by helping out in their family business and how he was able to make his first million at the age of 20. Steve will also share his "desert experience" where he was in deep debt for 10 years and how he got introduced to e-commerce here in the Philippines. Steve also shares his eureka moment and how he went all-in on e-commerce and how he was able to bootstrap and grow his team with it. Lastly, Steve will also share valuable advice for aspiring e-commerce entrepreneurs in this episode brought to you by AWS.Apply to get free $1,000 AWS credits for your startup, go to show notes, go to hustleshare.comHustleshare is a proud affiliate of the Podcast Network AsiaCheckout Founders Only on these Platforms:YouTube: