
Badong Abesamis and Herbert Hernandez - The Hustle Behind GIGIL



How was the viral RC Cola Ad made? In this episode, Ronster chats with Badong Abesamis and Herbert Hernandez of GIGIL. Badong and Herbert will share how they started out being drawn to the arts and how they found themselves working in the advertising industry. They will also share who their biggest influences were in the ad industry that taught them invaluable skills. Badong and Herbert will also share how they came up with GIGIL and how they grew their team despite being boostrapped. They'll also share the formula that GIGIL uses to create viral ad campaigns for their clients that led them to become agency of the year in the Philippines in this very inspiring episode brought to you by B21.For show notes, go to hustleshare.comHustleshare is powered by PodmetricsCheckout Founders Only on these Platforms:Youtube: Podcast: