The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

580: Robin Sharma - The 5 Journal Prompts, 8 Hidden Habits, Meeting People In Person, Working Out Everyday, Becoming The Architect of Your Future, Building a Rich Life



Read our new book, The Score That Matters - Full show notes at The 5 Journal Prompts - What am I grateful for? Where am I winning? What will I let go of today? What does my ideal day look like? What needs to be said at the end? Avoid the old person flaw – Sometimes you meet an old person and they spend hours in conversation living in the past. Don’t ever believe that your best days are behind you. Have a “never peak” mindset with an upward trajectory… Always. Go see people in person - In Italy they say, “We are not friends until we’ve eaten together.” Release the energy vampires – “We feel guilt when we no longer want to associate with old friends and colleagues who haven’t changed. The price, and marker, of growth.” - Naval Ravikant Stop salting your food before you taste it. Happiness is an inside job. See Solitude as the new status symbol. A sweaty workout is never a silly idea. Ask Yourself the 10,000 Dinner Question: That’s how many dinners you can expect t