Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Ridiculous Grace | Part 3 | The Aroma of Grace | Chris Voigt



The Aroma of Grace Ridiculous Grace April 21, 2024 We are in the middle of a series we’ve called Ridiculous Grace. This week, we’re taking a look at the aroma of grace. Most things have a distinctive smell. But though our human sense of smell is incredibly sensitive, it is also easily fatigued. The common scents we encounter every day, we hardly even notice. But when we encounter something bold – whether pleasant or distasteful – it grabs our attention. Grace extended carries the fragrance of compassion and kindness. It’s noticeable, attractive, and winsome. And in a world that is filled with dis-grace, with anger, offense, and selfishness, grace is a warm, inviting, and pleasant aroma. What kind of fragrance are you bringing into a room? Is it the aroma of grace?  ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to st