The Third Wave

Alexander Beiner - Navigating Complexity: Psychedelics, AI, & Extended-State DMT



In this episode of The Psychedelic Podcast, Paul F. Austin is joined by Alexander Beiner for a deep dive into nuanced engagement in the culture wars. Find episode links, summary, and transcript here: Paul and Alexander examine the importance of sense-making and the role of psychedelics in navigating complex environments. Alexander draws from his interviews with thought leaders like John Vervaeke, Ian McGilchrist, and Nora Bateson, shedding light on the Four E's of cognitive science. He explores how psychedelics can enhance discernment and adaptability in the face of a rapidly changing world. Alexander also shares his experiences with extended state DMT and its impact on his understanding of reality. This conversation delves deeply into the realms of consciousness and reality, offering visionary insights into how psychedelic perspectives can inform and address the intricate challenges facing the world. Alexander Beiner is an author and journalist. H