Washington Watch

Michele Bachmann, Kris Kobach, Ben Toma, Jim Roguski



April 24, 2024 On today’s program: Michele Bachmann, Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University and FRC board chair, discusses House Speaker Mike Johnson’s trip to Columbia University in light of the increased anti-Semitism on U.S. college campuses, and reacts to Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s comments to an Irish television network about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Kris Kobach, Kansas Attorney General, shares about his effort to stop Bank of America from discriminating against Christian and conservative organizations. Ben Toma, Speaker of the House in the Arizona state legislature, provides an update on the battle to protect life in his state. Jim Roguski, author and researcher, sheds light on efforts to stop the World Health Organization’s proposed Pandemic Preparedness Agreement.