Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 189: Complete victory can be yours, but you have to want it and go after it!



GOD GIVES EASY instructions for victory! The instructions are often easy, but the action required on our part is hard! On Elisha’s deathbed, the king of Israel, Joash, realized he had one opportunity left to ask the power of God to give him victory. The passion Joash had for the victory he wanted showed in the way he obeyed the instruction from the prophet of God. If you don’t put in your entire passion towards the victory you want, you will get the same result. BUT, if you invest everything you’ve got into it, the power of God is ready to give you that victory, step by step.   Monologue: Autumn encourages listeners who are married to invest in her marriage and shares how she and Eddie invested in their marriage over the weekend.   Message: Autumn prompts believers to invest everything they have to the victory they want to receive from the Lord as He gives His easy instructions.  Question: “How do I approach a difficult conversation with a friend?” Praise Report: A listener shares the way God spoke to her to