She Renovates

210 - Are Depreciation Schedules a Thing of the Past



In this episode of She Renovates, Bernadette Janson  interviews Tyrone Hyde, an expert in property depreciation. They discuss the changes in tax laws regarding depreciation and how it affects property investors. Tyrone explains the limitations on claiming depreciation for secondhand items and the advantages for those who buy brand new properties. They also touch on exceptions to the rule and the importance of inspections for maximising depreciation claims. Whether you're a renovator or a property investor, this episode provides valuable insights into the world of property depreciation and how recent tax law changes have affected the industry. Tune in to learn more about depreciation basics, exemptions, and the importance of understanding these concepts for your property ventures. “If you buy a property brand new and you sell it to me one day later, you could claim the depreciation, but the moment I buy it one day old, I can't claim the depreciation of the plant equipment items anymore, which is ridicu