Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

522: Create a Sustainable Income from Blogging (+How to Avoid Burn Out While Doing It) with Elizabeth Emery



In episode 522, Elizabeth Emery teaches us how to create a sustainable income from blogging, finding joy and balance in our work without risking burnout. Elizabeth is a plant-based food blogger and recipe developer based in Vancouver BC. Her passion is showing people how fun and accessible vegan and plant-based eating can be. Elizabeth created and has run Vancouver with Love for 5 years and have turned it into a full-time income during that time. In this episode, you’ll learn about why you should find income streams that you are passionate about, why you should pick freelance work carefully, as well tips to work less hours for more money. Key points discussed: - Find Joy in Work: Find joy and passion in your blogging work to sustain long-term success. What aspect of blogging brings you most fulfilment? - Set Boundaries: Set clear boundaries to avoid burnout and work intentionally to condense work into four days a week, allowing for adequate rest and personal time. - Diversify Revenue: Diversifying revenue str