She Renovates

200 - Renovation Revolution: She Renovates Celebrates 200 Podcasts of Reno Gold



The She Renovates podcast, hosted by Bernadette Janson, is a source of inspiration and information for women who want to turn their passion for renovating properties into a profitable business. The podcast covers a range of topics from renovation and development strategies to business and finance advice. In this celebratory 200th episode, Bernadette is joined by James Burgin and Elizabeth Gordon to discuss the podcast’s evolution, the challenges of renovating and developing properties, and the benefits of the education provided by The School of Renovating... The podcast has become a popular resource for women looking to create a better future for themselves and their families through property renovation and development. Bernadette, Eilzabeth and James highlight the importance of empowering women to take control of their financial future and share valuable insights and tips for successful renovation projects. “The podcast is a great way to not only learn some tips and tricks, but also to get some insight int