Limit Free Life With Michelle Perkins

Episode 126: Income Generating Skills for the Future



Michelle Perkins shares ways to future-proof yourself in our changing world. She talks about the  importance of developing future job skills. The discussion focused on various skills such as AI, sustainability, social media, communication, and trade-related skills. She emphasized the need to understand and improve financial skills as a crucial aspect of personal and career development. Her company Limit Free Life® was created to help people to live their best work lives and find more than money from their work. Staying on top of the ever changing job landscape will keep you able to find or create work you love.The podcast highlighted the significance of staying up to date with evolving trends in the job market to remain competitive. Michelle also mentioned the importance of having a better understanding of one's financial situation to make informed decisions about career choices and earning potential. Overall, the podcast emphasized the importance of continuously upgrading skills, including financial literacy