The One Thing

447. Exactly What to Say – The Magic Words for Influence and Impact



Do you have the same ol’ generic value proposition as your competition? You probably do and it’s not working, according to communications expert Phil M. Jones. In this episode, Phil takes us through how to pick the right words, the right framing, and the right timing in sales, and in life.A lot of times we tend to be careless or unprepared in our communication. This leads to missed sales, unnecessary friction in conversations, and leadership failures. Paul is here not only to teach us some of the concepts behind good communication, but help us find exact go-to words and phrases.Whether you are someone people perceive as having the “natural gift of gab” or someone who really struggles with communicating, Paul has tips on how you can grow your skill. Tune in and find out!If you're a bold risk taker who wants to dream big and achieve a higher level of success in your life or business, visit to learn about our one-on-one coaching, as well as our exclusive community membership program.***Looking to s