Magic Of The Spheres Podcast

The Householder Path with Taalumot



On episode 272, Sabrina interviews Taalumot, an astrologer friend who recently created an online community for Householders - a term that denotes people whose spiritual practice takes place in everyday life as opposed to leaving the world of everyday life. We discussed what householder spirituality is, and we talked about the weaving of different spirtitual lineages, Taal's family, his wife’s in-person community start-up, and what he’s learned from creating his online householder community.Taalumot (“Tah-ah-loo-MOTE”), or Taal for short, is a writer, musician, astrologer, rabbi’s husband and father of two from Atlanta, Georgia.He is a lay initiate of Michael Elliston Roshi at the Atlanta Soto Zen Center.His wife, Rabbi Ariel Root Wolpe is the founder of Ma’alot (“Mah-ah-LOTE”), a spiritual community transforming Jewish life in Atlanta through music, nature, and Jewish wisdom.Taal plays the drums there and helps run Netzah (“Net-ZAHK”), or Commitment, the container for men’s work in the Ma’alot community.Taal