Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 186: FOOD FOR THE SOUL Part 5 - How do you get from fear and anxiety to peace?



Jesus asked his disciples, “Why are you troubled? Why do doubts rise in your hearts?” If you feel that Jesus is asking you this today, buckle in because this message is for those of you who are seeking clarity in your lives. The apostles had walked away and had doubts beginning to fill their hearts and minds despite all the things they had witnessed. These are the ones who saw Jesus feed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish. They saw Jesus resurrect Lazarus, and some of them saw him resurrect a little girl. They were the elite ones, yet when the women who were reminded that Jesus told them he would rise again and found his tomb empty, these elite ones called it nonsense. Don’t let the faith you’ve had and the faithfulness of God be exchanged for the idea that it’s nonsense! What brought clarity to the apostles was the presence of the Lord. If you need clarity today, this message is for you.     Monologue: Autumn announces her oldest daughter’s decision for what she plans to do after she