Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Greater | Part 12 | All That and a Bag of Chips | Chris Voigt



All That and a Bag of Chips Greater: The Supremacy of Jesus Through Hebrews March 24, 2024 Over the past 3 months, we’ve been on a journey through the New Testament book of Hebrews. We’ve spent weeks unpacking deep theological truths that have helped us to better understand why we believe what we believe, and given us a solid foundation for living every day with faith, hope, and love. As we wrap up this series, which we’ve called Greater: The Supremacy of Jesus Through Hebrews, we’re getting down to the nuts and bolts of how these truths make a difference in how we live. Because if we only know the truth, but don’t live out the truth, we will stay stuck in the same ruts, in bondage to the same lies, trapped by the same old sins rather than living in the freedom that is ours because of Jesus. And it’s the living out of what we believe that makes all the difference in the world. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: https://www.simplechurchgiving