Youth Ministry Sherpas

Episode 18 Audio Only



Episode 18: The Beauty and Necessity of Contemplative Youth MinistryWith anxiety at an all-time high and attention spans at an all-time low, how can youth pastors help our students experience God in deeper and more meaningful ways? Is it more than music, games and messages?On this episode, Shannon, Brock and Steve talk about the value and beauty of contemplative practices in youth ministry. Whether it’s the Prayer Labyrinth Steve’s group just experienced, or Lectio Divina in Shannon’s ministry, or a chance to get prayed for every week in Brock’s ministry, we think we’re onto something significant. These aren’t new ideas–– in fact, most of the practices are centuries old–but modern churches often forget how powerful they can be. We’ve made them part of our regular ministry rhythm, and we hope others might do the same. Our students crave it.Who knows, maybe our ideas will even work upwards into “big church?”This is an episode your students need! You probably do, too.Mark Yaconelli’s book