Holmes Movies

Top 10 Films of the 1920s



Welcome to our 27th Top 10 Episode where Anders & Adam Holmes list their top 10 favourite films of the 1920s.To close off this round/season of top 10 episodes, the Holmes Brothers have been going back and looking at each decade of cinema and listing their 10 favourite films of each decade (we won't be doing an episode of the 1910s).On this final episode, they are going to be looking at the 1920s.The 1920s was the silent movie era. Sound films, talkies, would dominate cinema in the next decade after the first talkie The Jazz Singer was released in 1927. There was a vast expansion of Hollywood movie making. Actors like Buster Keaton, Lillian Gish and Charlie Chaplin were household names. Romantic comedies, adventure films and horror were popular genres of this decade. German Expressionism and Soviet Montage Editing stylistically and aesthetically influenced and inspired films for years to come. A very artistic and surreal approach to filmmaking was happening over the Atlantic in Europe. Where will films lik