Glass Box Podcast

Ep 146 — D&C Codenames and Secret Combinations | Hot Fuzz



Scripture study!!! Well, sort of. We’re talking about the codenames contained in the Doctrine & Covenants sections 78, 82, 92, 96, 103, 104, and 105. Names like Gazelam, Ahashdah, Pelagoram, Mahalaleel, Mahemson, Shederlaomach, and (most importantly) Talents, all appear concerning the Secret Combination of the United Firm, or United Order. We discuss the history of the names, who’s involved, and why they appear in the first place. Huge thanks to Gene Judson of Latter-daily Digest for inviting us onto the show and suggesting the topic! After that we chat about a movie concerning a secret combination, Hot Fuzz! We wrap with some happy news about biodegradable micro-polymers hoping to replace plastics!   Show Notes: http