Youth Ministry Sherpas

Episode 17: When Youth Pastors Preach



Sadly, we are missing Shannon today, but Brock and Steve got together the day after they both preached in their churches’ main services to talk about our experiences with preaching. It can be a big deal for youth pastors. We both get to do it regularly, and we’ve seen the benefits our time in the “pulpit” has brought to our ministry within the congregation. Whether you preach once a year or once a month, preaching is a great way to gain credibility, speak into the culture of our church, and celebrate the Next Generation. But it also brings some challenges, like time management (we still have to plan for youth group that week), staying humble (“I like it when YOU preach!), and not trying to sound smarter than we are. Preaching is really important, yet probably less important than we make it.The most important question is this: pulpit, podium or music stand? It’s Episode 17: When Youth Pastors PreachWe are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network Watch u