Tough Girl Podcast

Beth Whitman - completed the Grand Slam Plus with Racing the Planet. This included running 5 separate events, each 250K, across Georgia (the country), the Namib Desert in Namibia, the Atacama in Chile, the Gobi in Mongolia and Antarctica.



Beth is a traveler first and foremost. With 35 years of travel experience, each year she spends three to four months abroad, combining her love of adventure with vacation and business.  For 15 years she has been running WanderTours, focusing on women-only tours, where she encourages and inspires women to dive deep into cultures and to challenge themselves by getting out of their comfort zone. She recently discovered running and, at age 50, ran her first marathon. She then discovered ultra-running and has been using these as an excuse to explore remote destinations around the globe that few people ever see. Most recently she completed the Grand Slam Plus with Racing the Planet. This consisted of running five 250K stage races across four deserts: the Gobi in Mongolia, the Atacama in Chile, the Namib in Namibia, Antarctica and, the one non-desert race, a run across the country of Georgia.  While many people have completed these races, she is part of a small group of competitors (only seven women!) who have comp