Meaningful Mondays

Becoming the Gardener of Your Own Mind



In this week's episode of Meaningful Monday, we delve into the fascinating world of our brain. Presenter Lee Brower shares mind-blowing facts about this vital organ, such as its weight representing about 2% of your body weight and it using 20% of your total energy and oxygen intake. With 400 miles of blood vessels and 86 billion cells, the brain is an intricate system that stores one apostrophe followed by six and a half miles long of zeros of data bits in a lifetime. While the average person has 50,000 thoughts a day, 95% of our decisions are made in our subconscious brain. The second brain, the intestines, functions with 100,000 neurons and produces 30 essential neurotransmitters, even producing serotonin, the happy molecule. Nothing ever gets erased from your brain - everything stored in your subconscious lasts a lifetime, even if we can't voluntarily access it. But how can we best use our subconscious mind? Brower compares it to a flower pot, something that does not decide on what seeds (thoughts) to nour