Family Bible Church weekly message

The Posture of Prayer



* Our spring week of Prayer and Fasting is Monday-Friday, March 25-29. * Prayer is one of the most critical aspects of the life of the believer and, hence, the life of the church. Yet, it seems to take the least priority in the lives of many believers and churches. * This week, I was burdened by the Lord to teach two messages regarding the important impact of prayer. Hence, Lord willing, over the next two weeks we will be considering The Posture of Prayer and The Warfare of Prayer. * By definition, "Prayer" is "A reverent petition made to God, a god, or another object of worship. ... An act of communion with God, a god, or another object of worship." Communion is defined as: "The act or an instance of sharing, as of thoughts or feelings. Religious or spiritual fellowship." * The Bible is filled with many "balances" for our Christian walk (e.g. predestination v. free will; the perseverance of the saints v. the preservation of the saints). My definition of prayer reflects another of those balances; prayer