Moirs Environmental Dialogues

Acidifying Oceans Are Killing Oysters and Oyster Farms in Oregon



Vicki Osis, marine education professor of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State U, tells how increasing acidity of the ocean was first documented by scientists researching around the globe. Carbon-loading of the atmosphere is having serious effects on the Ocean with increasing devastations of epic proportions expected by 2020. Already oyster larvae are perishing, wiping out oyster growing businesses in Oregon. And oyster sprats are just one in the cast of thousands of species that make up ocean zoo plankton. When the base of food chains fail entire suites of animals risk sudden extinction due to no food including striped bass, tuna and both baleen and toothed whales. The only way the oceans can be saved is by Americans reducing our carbon footprint. When 4% of the world population is responsible for 20% of the carbon into the atmosphere problem, we must lead the way in actions. Those who like to eat oysters will soon not be the only ones to suffer when carbon kills the ocean.