Moirs Environmental Dialogues

Saving Oceans by Electing Responsible U.S. Senators and Representatives



It's the day after the 2012 election, Mike Dunmyer of Ocean Champions talks with me about how oceans benefitted. Ocean Champions is the political nonprofit that actively campaigns for good legislators. Currently Ocean Champions recognizes 31 decision-makers on the Hill as good on oceans. Setting a goal to up the number to 40, OC endorsed 46 candidates. Today the winners are 40 to 43 legislators with 3 of 4 leading in races too close to call. Ocean Champions are Democrats, Republicans and Independents Congressional leaders. Mike describes many of the endorsed candidates. Ocean Champions took the lead with others in a campaign to defeat a Congressman known as Ocean Enemy #1. Mike explains how despite failing to unseat progress is made in advancing ocean conservation. To discover who is and will soon be championing ocean conservation in Washington tune in and visit for more information and biographies.