Tough Girl Podcast

Sophie Power - Great Britain 24 hour Ultra-runner and mum of 3. Founder of SheRACES - a campaign to make races better for women.



In this episode, we explore Sophie Power's incredible journey from self-professed anti-runner to ultra-runner and advocate for women in racing. Despite her initial reluctance towards running, Sophie discovered a passion for it at 26, leading her to tackle challenges like the Marathon des Sables (MDS) with only nine months of training. Her journey wasn't without hurdles, especially as a mother of three. Yet, Sophie's dedication to running while pregnant sparked global attention, inspiring women everywhere.  Fuelled by her experiences, she founded SheRACES, aiming to make racing more accessible for women, advocating for pregnancy deferrals, and breaking barriers. Sophie's resilience shines through, overcoming setbacks like a coma and memory loss. Her story embodies the power of belief and perseverance. Listen to Sophie now to learn more about her remarkable journey. *** Don't miss out on the latest episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast, released every Tuesday at 7am UK time! Be sure to hit the subscribe button t