Almost Good

56 - Pom Poko (+ Oscar Picks!)



The Oscars are Tomorrow and They're Watching Cartoons: The Land of Milk and Honey "Mid" Journeys KING GIZZARD & the LIZARD WIZARD Review In Praise of Gibberish Lyrics Tony Released Three Novels At Once Once Cosplayin' vs. Genre-Hoppin' The Reinvention Trap Riders On The Norm POM POKO Review That's Nuts U.S. = Butts/Japan = Balls  They Live! from the Alien POV Abandoning Expectations Loophole Culture Clash = The Clash? East Meets West = Feast Meets Guest New Old Music Recs OSCAR PICKS! DiCaprio Acts Super Dumb Wonderballs Lite Jodie Foster Talks Like Joe Pesci Now Dark Triad Test Results Anatomy of a Best Picture Dave Meant To Say Hollywood Shuffle Past Livezzzzz Bradley Cooper Should Only Play Pricks Ode To Movie Cheeseburgers