Alchemy With John Gibbons

Alchemy Radio 009 - Ben Gilroy - Ireland's Economic Battlefield



People For Economic Justice was founded in late 2011 by Ben Gilroy, John Squires, and a handful of other ordinary people on the ground. Ben Gilroy and the other founders were all facing negative equity and mortgage debt at  the time, and could see no real way out from under the massive strain being applied on them from the banks they owed money to.People For Economic Justice is a non profit and non political organization, formed to support and educate ordinary people on their right to lawfully challenge the banking institutions. These same banking instutution, as is common knowledge, received a massive bailout overnight, in September of 2011, which saves them from the brink of collapse. This bailout came at the direct expense of the Irish People. The banks have chosen to repay this assistance by forcing home owners and business owners out onto the street, taking their possessions from them. This is done because of the peoples inability to pay back the debts they owe. The inability to do so, of co