Alchemy With John Gibbons

Alchemy Radio 056 - David Mathisen - The Undying Stars



Author David Warner Mathisen was almost twenty years a literalist, reading the Old and New Testament scriptures carefully and literally. However, these texts remain some of the most exquisite crystallizations of esoteric teaching preserved from ancient times, and their underlying message at last rose to the surface. Over the course of several years, and in conjunction with a lifelong love of the stars and constellations (and literature and mythology), and the examination of the writings of many authors and teachers and philosophers who have treated this subject, he began to finally see the outlines of the vast system that underlies the ancient scriptures preserved in the Bible, in other scriptures which were rejected from inclusion in the Bible by the literalists, and in the other systems of ancient wisdom which were once found around the globe.Today, David writes about this beautiful message which unites all the world's different mythological systems (or did, until it was deliberately subver