Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

When Your Best Team Member Quits | E151



In this week's episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy dives into the tough reality of losing key team members unexpectedly in your growing business. She acknowledges the emotional toll it takes and provides insightful guidance on how to navigate these challenging moments. Throughout the episode, Kris emphasizes the inevitability of change in business and the importance of being prepared for it. She encourages listeners to maintain a proactive hiring strategy and always be on the lookout for new talent, even during periods of stability. Kris also urges her audience not to take departures personally, emphasizing that employees won't have the same level of attachment to the business as the founder or CEO. Kris skillfully addresses the emotional reactions that may arise when faced with unexpected turnover, reminding her audience that they possess the knowledge and capability to handle these challenges. She highlights the need for developing systems and infrastructure to support the hiring process. An impo