Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

Should You Have An Open Door Policy? | E150



In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy challenges the notion of open door policies and their effectiveness in leadership. With her signature wisdom, Kris dives into why simply declaring an open door policy isn't enough to make team members feel truly comfortable approaching you. She emphasizes the importance of being intentional and prescriptive in creating opportunities for engagement with your team. Kris illustrates the concept by likening an open door policy to inviting someone into your home and how you can best make someone feel welcomed. She urges leaders to provide specific avenues for communication, such as scheduled one-on-one meetings, team lunches, or virtual office hours. Emphasizing the need for proactive engagement, Kris encourages leaders to initiate interactions, particularly with team members they might not know well. The episode emphasizes that the responsibility of creating a welcoming and approachable environment falls on the leader. Kris discusses the need for leaders to s