Wireless Theatre

Running To Stand Still [Audio Drama]



This is an original 60-minute audio play (with songs), featuring professional actors, with cameos from presenters on BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio Gloucestershire and Sky Arts 1, that deals with the illness M.E. as its focal point. It is written by a sufferer and it specifically addresses what happens to relationships around an individual who is stricken by the illness and should educate those that don’t know much about this life-threatening condition. For those that have experienced the illness Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (first or second hand), it’s a story you can empathise with. For those who haven’t, it’s a story you can sympathise with. Actor/Director/Writer and M.E. sufferer, Barnaby Eaton-Jones said: “The script was first written in 1992, which makes this the 20th anniversary of that event. But, a lot has changed since then. It was often sad, very frustrating and constantly bewildering to read so much new research since the play was last performed and find that there isstill prejudice, wrong informatio