

Garage Gym Athlete Podcast: The Ultimate Guide to Protein Intake In this episode of the Garage Gym Athlete podcast, we dive deep into the world of protein consumption, particularly focusing on the optimal amount you need in each meal to maximize muscle recovery and growth. We'll debunk the myths with a blend of science and real-world stories, starting with the eye-opening journey of a professional athlete's encounter with lactic acid and how staying informed can save you from falling for outdated "bro science." Our main discussion revolves around the groundbreaking BASICS study conducted in 2023, involving 36 young, active men. This research challenges the long-held belief about the upper limit of protein synthesis post-exercise, revealing that our bodies can utilize much more protein than previously thought. With a detailed comparison between ingesting 25g and 100g of protein after working out, the study utilized a sophisticated quadruple isotope tracer method to track muscle and whole-body protein synthesis